Friday, September 29, 2006

Apologies from skepticlawyer for lazy blogging

I've only just noticed that people are still commenting on my Quadrant piece. I have no excuse for failing to notice apart from a tendency to only check recent blogposts.

Obviously, the link is all over the internet so of course people are still interested in stopping by and offering their thoughts. My apologies, then, to those people who dropped in and offered a comment expecting a response from me. I have now replied to your questions to the best of my ability.

...And I would really like to learn how to enable a 'recent comments' feature, like we have at Catallaxy...

Sukrit, is this even possible?


At September 29, 2006 11:21 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

nope, as far as i know its impossible with blogger...there are a few hacks ive seen that come close, but none worth the time and effort. as blogger is set up so one admin (me) gets notified of all new comments ill try and post a roundup for posts not on the main page to serve as a makeshift recent comments feature

At September 29, 2006 11:29 pm, Blogger skepticlawyer said...

Don't go to heaps of trouble, Sukrit. I wrote the apology because I simply forgot that people may still be interested in making a comment - lesson for me for the future, I guess.

I'd confine it to once a week - you've got a bloody law degree to do.

At October 02, 2006 11:15 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thought your book was great and realised somethings that had happened in my family's past..gave me a better insight etc...


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